Monthly Archives: February 2010

Lady Gaga…?

Grum animated cover

Grum animated cover

Lady Gaga, you ask?

Your skepticism is warranted. ‘How can Lady Gaga be “Happy Music?”‘ You cry! ‘Why would anyone bother writing about Lady Gaga?’ You ponder aloud, and rightfully so. I’ll be the first to admit that Lady Gaga is not one of my preferred artists and I will not be racing out to see her sashaying across an enormous stage in her trademark undersized undergarments. There is, however, something potent about this toothsome songstress and I don’t think it is just my simple male inclinations.

Grum, I believe, has found that something, and then intensified it by 1000! Combining his typical sensuous synths and distinct hollow cowbell with Gaga’s often harsh yet seductive vocals Grum has created the quintessential 80’s influenced dance track that will satisfy both ardent electro enthusiasts and loyal pop princesses alike. The two Artist’s individual styles are masterfully interwoven ensuring a clear resemblance of the original track whilst distinctly reconfigured to accommodate Grum’s classic, if sometimes slightly indulgent crescendos. What I find most notable is the absence of the “Ra ra” vocal part from the original, including this sample to dramatic dance-enhancing effect would have almost been too easy, so its omission is understandable.

All in all a top remix and one of the standouts from the year that was 2009, in my humble opinion. The increasing trend of reputable “underground” DJ’s remixing mainstream pop vixens has been given a fresh and dynamic boost.

More Grum to come.

Bad Romance (Grum Remix) – Lady Gaga


Filed under Remixes

Welcome to Happy Music.

As my virginal foray into music blogging I make no claims or assertions of consistency or quality, only to give it my best shot. So here goes.

Happy Music is an aptly named blog about good music that will make you happy. Essentially, the basic premise is that original music of a high quality gives the listener a feeling satisfaction and fulfillment whilst also filling the ambient void of everyday silence in the background. Happy Music’s objective is to connect good people with good music, and one another. To promote listening to good music and the artists who create it and in doing so make us all much happier.

So browse away at your leisure and if you find something you like then please leave a comment. If you find something you think I might like then please leave a comment and a link so I can check it out.

Watch this space…


Filed under General