Monthly Archives: May 2010

Coveted Covers – Set 1

Welcome to the first installation of the new irregular regular, Coveted Covers! A post dedicated exclusively to the promotion of excellent covers and the artists who created them, and the originals too of course. The basic premise has already been established, see Recent Remixes. Basically too little time to post about each individual song yet their merit is so great that together they rationalise this segment. And you get your hands on some excellent tracks at the same time.

First up on the inaugural Coveted Covers is Batyar by The Ukranians (they are from Ukraine). Batyar, I presume, means Bigmouth Strikes Again in Ukranian, a very efficient language. Their cover of the most excellent Smiths‘ track is full of cultural vibrance and genuinely makes you feel like you’re watching them in a cramped underground Ukranian bar. Great stuff.

Batyar (Big Mouth Strikes Again, The Smiths Cover) – The Ukranians

Next is Nightwaves‘ cover of Phil Collins‘ classic track In The Air Tonight. Does anything really need to be said about this concept? It is too good! The cover has all the tacky goodness of the original but with a modern dreamwave touch. The guys from Binary nailed it.

In The Air Tonight (Phil Collins) – Nightwaves

Third on the list is probably my favorite in the lot. NZ duo Little Pictures cover of Weezer‘s breakthrough hit Buddy Holly is pure magic. The heartfelt rework captures the charm of the original but ditches the distorted power-chords for precise bedroom-pop embellishment. Getting all your mates into the studio to sing along and make up their own melodies is sheer Indie genius, even if that sounds a little contrived. I have loved this song for a while now and I often used it as my “happy song” to channel my “happy place” when in need. All class.

Buddy Holly (Weezer) – Little Pictures

4th is Hidden Cat‘s cover of Bag Raiders‘ massive hit Shooting Star. Why is a DJ doing a “cover” of another dance Act’s song? I don’t know, but it is quality. My friend lent me his ipod and suggested the track as I was about to go for a run on a beach in Koh Phangan, Thailand. This epic 7 minute interpretation was the perfect tune to keep my motivation high as the sun set behind me. Chilled electro bliss.

Shooting Stars (Bag Raiders) – Hidden Cat

Last on the list is a track from The Golden Filter who were featured here a little while ago. Their cover of The White Stripes‘ track The Hardest Button To Button is a grand transformation from the original. I chose this track because the Filter have this innate ability in their remixes, and indeed this cover, to infuse so much of their own sound into the track. Few Artists can reveal so much about their own style when borrowing someone else’s idea like these two can. Each track becomes an original once again. I think you’ll see what I mean.

The Hardest Button To Button (The White Stripes) – The Golden Filter

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Filed under Coveted Covers

Innerspeaker – Tame Impala’s Debut EP

Perth band Tame Impala finally released their long-awaited debut EP Innerspeaker last week on Modular Records. The record deservedly picked up Triple J‘s Feature Album spot last week and has been getting some heavy airtime across radio and currently features in the top 5 most blogged about artists on Hypem. Not bad hype at all for a young Aussie psych-rock band from the world’s most remote township.

I first heard about Impala towards the end of 2008 when a friend suggested I check them out down at the Meredith Music Festival I was attending. Unfortunately the Perth boys opened the second day’s music at some indecent hour like 9am so I missed the show, but since then have been keeping an ear closely set to the output from the group. Usually the derivative and formulaic sound of psychedelic music isn’t my cup of tea but the inevitable comparisons to the White Album and Pink Floyd suggest there is real quality. And so it is proved with Innerspeaker.

First single off the record is Solitude Is Bliss, which I actually really fucking dig. The track starts with a driving guitar riff modulated by the mandatory reverb and delay effects to be expected in trippy psychedelic music. Accompanied by a tight drum beat and bass line with vocals remarkably mature in sound, this is a tight track. The quality composition of the song really shines through and does the record justice as the leading single.

Next is the epic Runway, Houses, City, Clouds or RHCC for simplicity (not to be confused with RHCP). This song sounds like the quintessential psych-trip chill track that is mellow enough to motivate anyone to dabble in mind-bending stimulants (drug use not endorsed). Airy guitar, pumping drums and drawn out melodies feature again. After an orbital synth solo the track’s tempo diminishes and a chilled jam drains out the remaining three minutes. The superb contrast between driving 60’s rock and laid back grooves makes for a superb track.

Ultimately I think this is a very exciting Australian release however I do worry that these guys might evolve to the same regrettable level as fallen Aussie “rock gods” Wolfmother. The group once hailed for their modernising 70’s hard-rock are now simply disregarded as formulaic and irrelevant. Hopefully a similar fate is not set for Tame Impala and the hype of 60’s psych does not fall by the wayside.

You can purchase Innerspeaker from Modular here.

Each bandmember has also tried their hand at some mini-mixtapes with the 4th and final edition being released only 2 days ago and available here. Pretty cool concept from a non-electro band that doesn’t do “remixes”. Supertramp, YES, pretty cool.

Solitude Is Bliss – Tame Impala

Runway, Houses, City, Clouds – Tame Impala

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Filed under Alternative, Australian, Indie, New Releases, Rock

Sweet Sweedish Shoegaze

Don’t you love it when a superb little gem comes out of no-where and glues your ears to the speakers whilst your finger hovers precariously above the mouse daring not to click and turn off repeat. The Radio Dept. turned up in my inbox a few days ago and it is all I have listened to since. The quaint little band from Sweden specialise in sensual pop ditties that sooth endlessly. Recently I have been really getting into simple guitar tunes with delicate melodies

The first track for you here “Heaven’s On Fire” is a balanced mix of melancholy and optimism. Various instruments from piano, guitars, sleigh bells and the odd bit of brass create a surprisingly harmonious sound. Next is “David” which is equally charming with subtle hip-hop undertones whilst still being devastatingly introspective.

If you don’t like this music then you probably don’t have a soul.

They recently released their third LP Clinging to a Scheme was release about a month ago (not too slow am I?) on Labrador Records.

Heaven’s On Fire – The Radio Dept.

David – The Radio Dept.

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Filed under Indie, New Releases

Midnight Juggernauts

Melbourne’s synthtastic Midnight Juggernauts follow up their epic debut Dystopia with their much anticipated sophomore release The Crystal Axis, due out on the 28th of May. The release has stirred great response around music media so I thought I would cast my appraising ear over the Axis and throw my two cents in. Besides, always happy to give a good Aus band a plug.

First impression, I’m not crazy about it. I went absolutely ape shit over Dystopia celebrating it as a genuinely enthralling Australian electro release. It had balls and some solid synth sounds that gave it real character. The relentless drive of tracks like Road To Recovery and the distant star gazing electro sounds of Into The Galaxy were true gems and their live act was a beautiful high energy dance/mosh fusion. Somehow I just don’t see it being the same with this new release, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

With Vital Signs the band has taken on a distinct 70’s psychedelic feel. Increased percussion and lighter synth sounds give the recording a far more abstract sound than ever encountered on Dystopia. This sound is evident in the supposed “b-side” (Do they even exist anymore…?) Get Connected, which features heavy rock organ chords and some eerie noises reminiscent of Doctor Who episodes.

The clip for Vital Signs is pretty cool. Psychedelic and slightly warped, just as the track sounds. Besides, what isn’t cool about swirly models in skin-coloured onesies?

Ultimately the tracks aren’t too bad at all, quite decent actually. Evidence of a band experimenting and redefining their sound, and enjoying it too. I guess I had just hoped for Dystopia V2.0, but the Axis is growing on me.

You can pre-order The Crystal Axis at their website here. Gigging overseas at the moment, they tour back home in August.

Vital Signs – Midnight Juggernauts

Get Connected – Midnight Juggernauts

PS. Does anyone think these guys look like 3X Howard Moon?


Filed under Australian, Electro, New Releases

Hey! Listen to Hey Champ!

Hey Champ are from the middle of America and are quite cool. If I had a functional band I would be quite chuffed if we sounded something quite like Hey Champ. The trio hail from Rockford Illinois (near Chicago) and produce simple yet convincing electro-pop rock music.

Admittedly Hey Champ sound like a dormant 80’s band that has been re-awoken in the contemporary age and simply dusted off their instruments and kept playing, yet their electro-pop product has a little something more to it. The marriage of synths and guitars feels natural and complimentary with neither instrument competing with the other, instead contributing to a congruent overall sound. Their music is light and fun without sounding pretentious. There isn’t much too it, just good fun stuff. They also turn out quality remixes and their rework of Passion Pit’s little secrets is an excellent example.

Hey Champ are signed to fledgling label Townie Records and their debut record is set for release in July so keep an eye out for that. In the mean time you can download two tracks from their website or down below.

Cold Dust Girl – Hey Champ

Neverest – Hey Champ

Little Secrets (Hey Champ Remix) – Passion Pit

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Filed under Electro, New Releases

Grum’s debut LP – Heartbeats

 Grum‘s debut LP is out in a few days on May the 18th. Fucking WOO! Needless to say I am super excited about the release of Heartbeats and can’t wait to get my hands on a copy. Scottish born Graeme Shepherd has been around for a few years now putting out stellar remixes from numerous pop, indie and electro artists such as Lady Gaga, Friendly Fires and Jump Jump Dance Dance but it is his original tracks that really catch the eye, or ear so to speak.

With the release of the Heartbeats EP the focus rests solely on Grum’s original material. The release includes Shepherd’s earlier singles Runaway (the life-changing track that converted me), the eponymous Heartbeats, two songs which are impossible not to visualise yourself dancing and screaming along to the choruses when you next see Grum live (is it just me…?). The latest single release, Can’t Shake This Feeling, originally launched the hype for the album a few weeks back and conforms to Grum’s masterful upbeat synth-saturated electropop standards.

 Go out and buy Heartbeats, you will not be disappointed. You can pre-order Heartbeats now from Amazon.  This is the contemporary master of 80’s influenced electro dance music with one of the most exciting Electro album releases of this year. Don’t miss out!

Runaway – Grum

Heartbeats – Grum


Filed under Electro, New Releases

Bright Lights on Interpol’s New Release

Recent activity from Interpol has caused widespread reaction from fans and blogs alike, so I thought I better jump on the band wagon and offer my bit too. The band released a new single “Lights” on their website as a free sample and teaser for the imminent 4th album release, of which little detail is known. After visiting the website and enduring the unnecessarily epic and self-indulgent intro video, I was rewarded with a free copy of the track in exchange for my date of birth…? Still, the price is right.

Originally I intended to slam the track as my first impression of the track was a sense of underwhelming mediocrity. Yet, as most great tracks do, it grows on you, however this isn’t a great track, perhaps just a good one.

Lights abandons the standard Indie-Pop progression from their more recent single releases and adopts a  slow crescendo, starting with a distant guitar strumming in seclusion. Layered with resonant piano chords and foreboding vocals the eerie tone of the track is established instantly. Generally the song is enjoyable but there is a distinct feeling that something is missing, or underachieved. The simplistic lyrics and arrangement leave much to be desired. It feels as though they aspired to create the next emotive Indie anthem, but it is just blatantly formulaic.

I have always liked Interpol, never really loved them though and the feeling continues with this release. Still, I am more than happy to have the track in my playlist and do enjoy crooning along. Paul Banks does write decent melodies and his baritone vocal range is achievable for me, which is a big plus personally.

See what you think. Download the track below or visit their website to exchange your date of birth for the track.

Lights – Interpol

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Filed under Indie, New Releases, Rock

Recent Remixes – Part 1

I feel inclined to share some of the individual remixes that have been rocking my eardrums lately. They aren’t linked by artist, genre, origin or form, only by the fact that they are all excellent and they are on high rotation in my playlists. Some are old, most are new, but all are excellent. I figure it is just easier to dump them on you in one hit instead of trying to introduce each track and artist. I think you know what I mean…

First on the list is Cassian‘s remix of Aussie band Cassette Kids‘ track Spin. Sounds nothing like the indie-rock original. Driving bass and simple reworked vocals make this one of my favorite tracks to turn up and dance to in the bedroom.

Spin (Cassian Remix) – Cassette Kids

I have been getting into Classixx quite a bit lately ever since I heard “I’ll Get You” sampled in a Bag Raiders Minimix, so when I found their remix of Lisztomania earlier in the year, well I was quite happy. It would be hard to stuff this song up, but they did a great job. A laid-back chill groove that still oozes all the charm of the original.

Lisztomania (Classixx Remix) – Phoenix

Fred Falke has been one of my favorite producers for some time now. This man has a godlike ability to to take any track and lace it with warm, exuberant synths. It really is the definition of Happy Music. His remix of NZ electro Queen Ladyhawke is a fine example. Expect to see some more Falke here shortly.

Back Of The Van (Fred Falke Ultimate Beverly Mix) – Ladyhawke

4th in our list of 5 is Happymusic’s almost favorite artist ever Grum, remixed by Dcup. I don’t know much about Dcup but the 70’s disco inspired rework almost rates higher than the original. And you can bet there is more Grum coming shortly.

Can’t Shake This Feeling (Dcup Remix) – Grum

Finally, last but typically not least, is Russ Chimes‘ remix of Solid Gold by The Golden Filter. I posted on The Filter’s album release last week and wrote up Chimes a few weeks before that. I really dig his relentless electro mixes with contrasting light and heavy synth sounds. His tracks also have a live rock band kind of feel about them, which makes the music feel more organic.

Solid Gold (Russ Chimes Remix) – The Golden Filter

Hope you like Panda’s too.


Filed under Remixes


I presume you are just as excited about Ratatat‘s upcoming LP4 album release as I am?!?!? Well you should be. If you don’t know who Ratatat are by now then you must have been living under some oppressive culture rock and are now partially deaf. Allow me to fill you in.

The experimental duo hail from Brooklyn NY (the epicenter of everything cool, see Penguin Prison) and are the defining example of electro-art-rock music. The breadth of their music means genuinely offers something for everyone, whether it’s driving bass to shake your ass to, technical top-string guitar work, or elaborate and beautiful crescendos that explode in a sonic wave of electromotional perfection. They are also known for their genre-defying hip-hop remixes of premier emcees such as Biggie Smalls, Dizzee Rascal and Kanye West. The group, in my opinion, are the leading example of progressive music-art and challenge the conventional paradigms of what a music collective is capable of.

Now that the homework is out of the way, their fourth original album, the aptly titled LP4, is set for release on the 17th of May and I am keen as shit to get my hands on it. The first track I heard was “Drugs”, which will surely be the leading single from the record. Drugs demonstrates Ratatat’s upbeat electro-rock at it’s best including sounds reminiscent of Daft Punk, Mid 90’s SNES games and 80’s thrash metal bands. Next came “Party With Children” which heavily features Ratatat’s harpsichord embellishment and whiny guitars that old fans will be well familiar with. Both tracks include Ratatat’s bizarre penchant for ambiguously sourced vocal recordings to initiate their tracks.

You can pre-order LP4 from Recordshop X here.

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Filed under Alternative, Electro, New Releases

Kate Miller-Heidke

I came home a little drunk on Friday night. I had been out drinking with a pair of Welsh guys from my football team and was simply not prepared for the beer-infused liver-assault ahead of me. After stumbling home a little after 1 I had the brilliant (at the time) idea to turn on my computer and kill time in a feeble attempt to sober up. My search for sobriety proved fruitless however in the process I managed to stumble across this gem from Australian songstress Kate Miller-Heidke.

The song is appropriately titled “Are You Fucking Kidding Me” and is a brilliant criticism of the most trivial aspect of everyone’s favorite online social networking tool, Facebook. The comical lyrics include references to various pointless features of the application such as Pirates, Stipper-names, “Poking”, and undesirable people from your past using the tool to “reconnect” with you. Combining a beautiful melody that demonstrates Miller-Heidke’s impressive vocal capability that verges on operatic at times and rampant piano chords, the perfect musical summary of all that is tedious about the excesses of online social media and those who overuse it has been created.

This charming little ditty and others were recorded “Live at the Hi-Fi” in Melbourne a year ago and are available for purchase from Kate’s website here.

Are You Fucking Kidding Me – Kate Miller-Heidke

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Filed under Australian, Folk