Monthly Archives: November 2010

Beach House Anyone?

I’ve posted Beach House before. They’re good. I have been listening to them a lot lately and have realised that they are really very good. At first I thought they were a bit too laid-back/lo-fi/la-zy and their music might have an adverse affect on low-resistance insomniacs, but I have changed my mind. They really are excellent.

Their third LP Teen Dream came out about an e-lifetime ago (1 year, that’s how fresh I am) and they are wrapping up touring for it early next year with the Sydney Festival. If you were disorganised like I was, typically, then you might have bought tickets to Sufjan Stevens on the same night Beach House are playing and by being  incapable of being in two places at once or some form of osmosis then you have missed out. Others might still be able to get tickets.

Lover Of Mine is my pick of the tracks, hence it featured in the first post, but Silver Soul and especially Walk In The Park are really just as good. Still, I do wish they would rock out with their cocks out every once in a while. It is only the two of them I suppose.

PS How rad and serious do they look in this photo! A duo you wouldn’t want to meet in some dark back alley. No sir.

PPS I bet you want to go on holiday to the beach now, don’t you!

Walk In The Park – Beach House

Silver Soul – Beach House

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Filed under Alternative, Electro, Folk

More New Cut Copy

Cut Copy - Take Me Over

More newness from Cut Copy. Seems like they are enjoying releasing the singles for their upcoming album at a glacial pace, Where I’m Going was dropped way back in July. Take Me Over is more typical electro mixed with some blatant 80’s pop-ballad vocal melodies. Lovely stuff.

Zonoscope is out on Feb 4th in Aus. Only 3 more months.

Take Me Over – Cut Copy

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Filed under Australian, Electro, Indie, New Releases