Monthly Archives: December 2010

Sally Shapiro

Sally Shapiro makes the kind of music that (if you close your eyes and imaging you were wearing an eye-patch and had a 5 o’clock shadow by 11am each day) makes you believe you are Snake Plissken dodging bullets and lasers as you pass burnt-out cars and climb semi-demolished walls. This really is the sound of Escape from LA, but a little more upbeat and fun, perhaps.

Anyways. Top quality disco going on here. I love her quaint, soft voice over the bouncy synths and simple beats. You wouldn’t think it would work, but it sure does. Her collaboration with Anoraak is off the charts. Yum.

I’ll Be By Your Side – Sally Shapiro

Don’t Be Afraid – Anoraak feat. Sally Shapiro

Looking At The Stars (FM Attack mix) – Sally Shapiro

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