Monthly Archives: May 2011

Pepper Rabbit

No, this has not transformed into a food blog. Pepper Rabbit are a super quaint (I’m too manly to write cute, especially in reference to other men) duo from the states that make excellent music. Avant-garde folk is how one critic describes it, but I prefer to call it folk music with balls and substance. Forget your tame Mumford & Sons and the over-rated and underwhelming Angus & Julia Stone for their piss poor tunes (the latter duo being just a whiny gypsy wannabe and Australia’s national Piss Guy champion).

Pepper Rabbit are the goods. Two lads that are talented multi-instrumentalists, their sound has strong tones of Grizzly Bear in there and hints of Radiohead’s more subdued tunes. A fine combo. They impressed at SXSW earlier this year so maybe you should see what the hype is about below.

Pepper Rabbit – “Harvest Moon” Video from stereogum on Vimeo.

You can pick up their album Beauregard from Kanine Records here for only $10!

Older Brother – Pepper Rabbit

Red Wine – Pepper Rabbit

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Filed under Folk, Indie

Lanie Lane

Lanie Lane is a spunky little songstress from Sydney. She has a unique voice with sultry tones and an alluring huskiness which is a refreshing contrast to some of the more generic vocalists getting plugged on the airwaves. The track compliments her voice and enhances the nostalgic theme of the lyrics ( love the broken glass/metal chain sound combined with the snare). She played at good god a few weeks back with Tin Sparrow supporting but I missed it like a disorganised fool. Some might think it sounds derivitive but I like it a lot.

It might also help that she sure is one sassy babe.

Her debut album comes out mid-year. In the meantime…

What Do I Do – Lanie Lane

What Do I Do (Lanie Lane) from Lanie Lane on Vimeo.

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Filed under Australian, Indie


Mitzi might sound like the name of your next-door neighbour’s cat or your first born daughter if your were Scandinavian, but that’s wrong. Mitzi actually sound like groovy, upbeat disco-pop of an impressive standard for a young band from Brisbane. Their sound comprises dreamy synths and twangy guitars over melodic basslines coupled with some tight drumming. The occasional faux horn is thrown in for good measure too.

I caught them on Thursday supporting Strangetalk at Good God. To my surprise they had quite a good crowd for the start of their set and quickly had the dancefloor moving (including myself and my severely inebriated friend). I mean genuinely dancing up a storm, their potent grooves even afflicted the cynical hipsters and piss-guys in the place. Really impressive to see, especially for a “smaller” support band. Strangetalk unfortunately were quite disappointing. Just too keen it seemed, they played climbing walls twice which I think is just a tad self-indulgent. Mitzi definitely outshone them.

Here are some good tracks for your consumption including a top remix from Cassian and another good Strangetalk track.

India – Mitzi

Morning Light – Mitzi

All I Heard – Mitzi

All I Heard (Cassian remix) – Mitzi

Eskimo Boy- Strangetalk

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Filed under Alternative, Australian, Electro, Indie, Live