Category Archives: Rock

Klaxons return

UK’s Klaxons return with a new record and not one but two tours down under this year. Now that’s good value.

First things first, the record cover takes out Album design of the year, hands (or paws) down. The resolute yet apprehensive expression planted on the cosmo-cat’s face as he prepares to enter the unknown, or surf the void, is as hilarious as it is stirring.

Now on to the music. The second album from the group sees the characteristic punk-tinged electro-rock fusion return but with a harder edge, attributed to nu-metal god-like producer Ross Robinson’s influence (credits include Limp Bizkit, Korn, and Vanilla Ice…?). The sound is good. Modern, hard melodic electro-rock that is an original and valuable contribution to the British shoegaze tradition. The standout tracks on the record are the openers, Echoes and Same Space, available for tasting below.

Klaxons play two exclusive shows in Sydney and Melbourne in a few weeks, hitting the Enmore Theatre on Thursday Sep 2nd. More info on that gig here. They then return over NYE to do the Falls Festival and several other festivals on the new year circuit.

You can order Surfing The Void here.

Echoes – Klaxons

Same Space – Klaxons

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Filed under Alternative, Electro, New Releases, Rock

Best Coast Is Quite Good

Best Coast is a sexy lo-fi garage pop band from LA. Lo-fi effectively means lazy as shit production, but it is dead catchy. I really like it.

BC is the 98% solo project of LA obsessed Indie lass Bethany Cosentino who likes ranga cats.  The debut LP Crazy For You is set for release on July 27th on Mexican Summer. Boyfriend is the opening track from the record so you can get your free sample on.

You can pre-order Crazy For You along with a cute tote bag and matching t-shirt pack here.

Boyfriend – Best Coast

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Filed under Indie, New Releases, Rock


Wavves are a noise pop band, whatever that means. I quite like this song. It reminds me of Nirvana‘s early tracks off Bleach for the distorted guitars and wailing vocals mixed with The Presidents Of The United States Of America for the melody and light-heartedness. Do you like it also?

Wavves’ third record, King of the Beach, is out in August.

Post Acid – Wavves

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Filed under Alternative, Rock

Superbly Sweet Sugar Army

Sugar Army are a very exciting young Australian band from Perth, the centre of all good Australian rock music these days. I don’t usually get that excited about rock music anymore but these guys nail it each time and make for very satisfying listening.

The 4-piece outfit combine crunching guitar riffs with driving drum beats to create a controlled aggressive sound. Impressively insightful lyrics fused with creative melodies over the top soften the tone adding a unique richness to their music. Their guitar solos are skillful without being pretentious (yay!).

Overall the product is really tight, gutsy rock music with some intelligence and skilled composition behind it. Refreshing output in the modern era of mediocre pop-rock bands, over-simplified folk, and synth-obsessed electro bands (as much as I love the synth).

They released their debut record Parallels Amongst Ourselves last year (yes a little slow on this one, I know) on Shock Records. Good listening.

No Need For Lovers – Sugar Army

Tongues In Cheeks – Sugar Army

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Filed under Alternative, Australian, Rock

Innerspeaker – Tame Impala’s Debut EP

Perth band Tame Impala finally released their long-awaited debut EP Innerspeaker last week on Modular Records. The record deservedly picked up Triple J‘s Feature Album spot last week and has been getting some heavy airtime across radio and currently features in the top 5 most blogged about artists on Hypem. Not bad hype at all for a young Aussie psych-rock band from the world’s most remote township.

I first heard about Impala towards the end of 2008 when a friend suggested I check them out down at the Meredith Music Festival I was attending. Unfortunately the Perth boys opened the second day’s music at some indecent hour like 9am so I missed the show, but since then have been keeping an ear closely set to the output from the group. Usually the derivative and formulaic sound of psychedelic music isn’t my cup of tea but the inevitable comparisons to the White Album and Pink Floyd suggest there is real quality. And so it is proved with Innerspeaker.

First single off the record is Solitude Is Bliss, which I actually really fucking dig. The track starts with a driving guitar riff modulated by the mandatory reverb and delay effects to be expected in trippy psychedelic music. Accompanied by a tight drum beat and bass line with vocals remarkably mature in sound, this is a tight track. The quality composition of the song really shines through and does the record justice as the leading single.

Next is the epic Runway, Houses, City, Clouds or RHCC for simplicity (not to be confused with RHCP). This song sounds like the quintessential psych-trip chill track that is mellow enough to motivate anyone to dabble in mind-bending stimulants (drug use not endorsed). Airy guitar, pumping drums and drawn out melodies feature again. After an orbital synth solo the track’s tempo diminishes and a chilled jam drains out the remaining three minutes. The superb contrast between driving 60’s rock and laid back grooves makes for a superb track.

Ultimately I think this is a very exciting Australian release however I do worry that these guys might evolve to the same regrettable level as fallen Aussie “rock gods” Wolfmother. The group once hailed for their modernising 70’s hard-rock are now simply disregarded as formulaic and irrelevant. Hopefully a similar fate is not set for Tame Impala and the hype of 60’s psych does not fall by the wayside.

You can purchase Innerspeaker from Modular here.

Each bandmember has also tried their hand at some mini-mixtapes with the 4th and final edition being released only 2 days ago and available here. Pretty cool concept from a non-electro band that doesn’t do “remixes”. Supertramp, YES, pretty cool.

Solitude Is Bliss – Tame Impala

Runway, Houses, City, Clouds – Tame Impala

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Filed under Alternative, Australian, Indie, New Releases, Rock

Bright Lights on Interpol’s New Release

Recent activity from Interpol has caused widespread reaction from fans and blogs alike, so I thought I better jump on the band wagon and offer my bit too. The band released a new single “Lights” on their website as a free sample and teaser for the imminent 4th album release, of which little detail is known. After visiting the website and enduring the unnecessarily epic and self-indulgent intro video, I was rewarded with a free copy of the track in exchange for my date of birth…? Still, the price is right.

Originally I intended to slam the track as my first impression of the track was a sense of underwhelming mediocrity. Yet, as most great tracks do, it grows on you, however this isn’t a great track, perhaps just a good one.

Lights abandons the standard Indie-Pop progression from their more recent single releases and adopts a  slow crescendo, starting with a distant guitar strumming in seclusion. Layered with resonant piano chords and foreboding vocals the eerie tone of the track is established instantly. Generally the song is enjoyable but there is a distinct feeling that something is missing, or underachieved. The simplistic lyrics and arrangement leave much to be desired. It feels as though they aspired to create the next emotive Indie anthem, but it is just blatantly formulaic.

I have always liked Interpol, never really loved them though and the feeling continues with this release. Still, I am more than happy to have the track in my playlist and do enjoy crooning along. Paul Banks does write decent melodies and his baritone vocal range is achievable for me, which is a big plus personally.

See what you think. Download the track below or visit their website to exchange your date of birth for the track.

Lights – Interpol

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Filed under Indie, New Releases, Rock

Flashback – Weezer (The Blue Album)

Remember when Weezer were good? I do. They were good, they were damn good. They personified 90’s nerd rock perfectly and produced the kind of music that you could only fully comprehend if you were an introverted, acne-laden adolescent male with a mutual appreciation for rocking guitar riffs and pining for unattainable girls and summer holidays. Which I most definitely was.

The Blue Album was Weezer’s 1994 debut release and the record stands as a fine example of many bands producing their best work on their debut. I don’t know where to begin with this album, I love every track on it. The opening track “My Name Is Jonas” is fantastically eccentric. The next two tracks “No One Else” and “The World Has Turned and left me here” demonstrate Rivers Cuomo‘s knack for writing pessimistic yet endlessly charming love songs. The lead single “Buddy Holly” is perhaps the best example of this.

My favorite track on the record is “Say it Ain’t So” which features Cuomo’s raw and honest description of his relationship with his step-father accompanied by chunky power-chords and a ripper guitar solo. It is everything a teenage rock enthusiast needs. “In The Garage” and “Holiday” perfectly summarise teen angst and desperate holiday yearnings respectively and the final track “Only In Dreams” just has a kick ass guitar wank crescendo in it that I am still not over.

If you have youth and hair on your chest then I strongly urge you to get this album. Pick up your guitar and jam along in your bedroom. Even now as a young adult I still can’t get enough.

Say it Ain’t So – Weezer

Holiday – Weezer

Only in Dreams – Weezer

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Filed under Alternative, Flashback, Rock

Blurring the lines

Great News! After seven years of sporadic live performances and Damon Albarn obviously focusing on Gorillaz we are surprised with a new track from Blur! Splendid. “Fool’s Day” was released as part of the Record Store Day celebrations held over the weekend. Somewhat unexpected from the band but warmly welcomed nonetheless.

The track has a slow tempo and almost feels lazy but this contributes to the general vibe. The mood is relaxed, dreary and a tad pessimistic, but still effortlessly beautiful. I tend to wonder why Albarn, after so much individual success with Gorillaz, would be interested in collaborative work again but I suppose the fun and satisfaction of playing with your old mates is too tempting. You can sense it in the product, after a few listens the simple quality of the track seeps through and is irrevocable. Albarn’s voice combines sveltely with the lethargic strokes of the drums and bass before culminating in a simple guitar solo. It is just good, authentic pop-rock.

In advocacy of Record Store Day the band released 1000 limited edition vinyl copies of the single directly to record stores in the UK whilst also making the MP3 and uncompressed WAV files available from their website so the track is freely available to all. Credit to the intelligence of the Band and their management for taking this approach and supporting hard copy independent retailers whilst also acknowledging the role of online distribution mediums, such as this blog, for promoting contemporary Artists and releases. More signs that the music industry is slowly coming around to the potential of online distribution and promotion through blogs. Good news for all.

Get the track from the link below or from their website

Fool’s Day – Blur

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Filed under New Releases, Rock