Tag Archives: Holy Fuck

FUCK! Holy Fuck, to be precise.

Holy Fuck is a Canadian Electronica four-piece, who make pretty cool music. I first encountered them a little over a year ago whilst driving a utility vehicle around work, listening to fbi. My simple mind was pleasantly amused by their excellent name (any chance of getting played on commercial radio?) and I noted their attendance down at the 2008 Meredith Music Festival near Geelong, which I happened to be departing for the following day. Bonus!

Holy Fuck played on the first night. Torrential rain and supple earth pathways meant by about midnight when local heroes Regurgitator took the stage the entire farmland and indeed the moshpit had turned into a knee deep quagmire. Good fun. After jumping wildly to the Gurge for an hour we, and indeed our spare clothes supply for the weekend, were exhausted and went searching for some much needed greasy festival food nourishment. As my single slice magharita was being warmed up Holy Fuck took the stage and began to play. This was my first experience of their mind-warping, dimension shifting sounds, and I liked it. Unfortunately fatigue and a complete inability to comprehend Fuck’s electro-ambient performance at 2am after a dozen cans of Amsterdam Lager motivated my associate and I to retreat back to our water-laden tents to simulate a peaceful nights sleep. A year later, I look back on this lack of resolve with increasing regret.

Last week Holy Fuck released their new single Latin America from their upcoming third album, similarly titled Latin, and since then the track has been on high rotation in my playlist. The track fuses driving bass and drums with controlled, crisp piano chords juxtaposing the two sounds nicely. Complimented by airy synths with a simple melody the track progression is basic, keeping a modest and conventional feel for this progressive electro outfit. A decent compromise between experimental and commercially viable with a product that should satisfy most listeners.

Keep an eye out for the release of Latin, set for the 11th of May. In the meantime enjoy the sample below.

And how awesome is that cat!

Latin America – Holy Fuck

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Filed under Alternative, Electro, New Releases