Tag Archives: Interpol

Bright Lights on Interpol’s New Release

Recent activity from Interpol has caused widespread reaction from fans and blogs alike, so I thought I better jump on the band wagon and offer my bit too. The band released a new single “Lights” on their website as a free sample and teaser for the imminent 4th album release, of which little detail is known. After visiting the website and enduring the unnecessarily epic and self-indulgent intro video, I was rewarded with a free copy of the track in exchange for my date of birth…? Still, the price is right.

Originally I intended to slam the track as my first impression of the track was a sense of underwhelming mediocrity. Yet, as most great tracks do, it grows on you, however this isn’t a great track, perhaps just a good one.

Lights abandons the standard Indie-Pop progression from their more recent single releases and adopts a  slow crescendo, starting with a distant guitar strumming in seclusion. Layered with resonant piano chords and foreboding vocals the eerie tone of the track is established instantly. Generally the song is enjoyable but there is a distinct feeling that something is missing, or underachieved. The simplistic lyrics and arrangement leave much to be desired. It feels as though they aspired to create the next emotive Indie anthem, but it is just blatantly formulaic.

I have always liked Interpol, never really loved them though and the feeling continues with this release. Still, I am more than happy to have the track in my playlist and do enjoy crooning along. Paul Banks does write decent melodies and his baritone vocal range is achievable for me, which is a big plus personally.

See what you think. Download the track below or visit their website to exchange your date of birth for the track.

Lights – Interpol

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Filed under Indie, New Releases, Rock