Tag Archives: MGMT


MGMT have returned to our audiosphere with their upcoming album CONGRATULATIONS, to be released mid next month. To enhance the anticipation surrounding the release the band has made the first single available as a free download from their website. “Flash Delirium” is also available from the bottom of this post.

So, how does Flash Delirium actually sound? Different.The track shifts sporadically from ambient-psychedelic to upbeat Beach Boys-esque harmonies and guitar rhythms. The general lack of delicate, airy synths  is a notable omission from the band’s trademark sound. The dominance of a classic rock organ as its’ substitute is congruent with the general feel of the song and perhaps indicative of the developing sound of the band. The are some nice melodies and sounds at the back end of the track however it is completely eclipsed by an almost self-indulgent crescendo of noise that forms the outro to the track.

Overall it is a decent cut and definitely worth a listen to. It is good to have 2008’s IT band back after the old material was overplayed and exhausted. The fact that Flash Delirium was selected as the first single is a tad surprising. The band already sound like they have entered their experimental, self-indulgent, no concern for radio play or record labels and the contrast to the previous album is stark. Time will tell how the fans of Oracular Spectacular respond.

Flash Delirum – MGMT

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