Tag Archives: Midnight Juggernauts

Parklife 2010!

The good people at Fuzzy recently announced the Parklife 2010 line up! Quality abounds throughout the field and we are surely set for some quality synths and beats yet again at this year’s festival.

Numerous quality artists appear on the bill including: Holy Ghost, New Young Pony Club, Groove Armada, Darwin Deez, Cut Copy and Soulwax, along with plenty of premier acts recently featured on Happymusic such as Bag Raiders, Midnight Juggernaughts, Clasixx, D-Cup and finally GRUM! Needless to say this is a must-attend event for any dance-minded music enthusiast.

The P-life tour hits most major cities across Aus culminating in the Sydney edition on Sunday the 3rd of October. Tickets go on sale at Midday on July the first. Better start saving as they have the hefty price tag of $145 attached.

Parklife must-sees below.

Personal Touch – DCUP

Far Away (Bag Raiders Remix) – Cut Copy

Paper Romance (Clasixx Remix) – Groove Armada

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Filed under Australian, Electro, General, Live

Midnight Juggernauts

Melbourne’s synthtastic Midnight Juggernauts follow up their epic debut Dystopia with their much anticipated sophomore release The Crystal Axis, due out on the 28th of May. The release has stirred great response around music media so I thought I would cast my appraising ear over the Axis and throw my two cents in. Besides, always happy to give a good Aus band a plug.

First impression, I’m not crazy about it. I went absolutely ape shit over Dystopia celebrating it as a genuinely enthralling Australian electro release. It had balls and some solid synth sounds that gave it real character. The relentless drive of tracks like Road To Recovery and the distant star gazing electro sounds of Into The Galaxy were true gems and their live act was a beautiful high energy dance/mosh fusion. Somehow I just don’t see it being the same with this new release, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

With Vital Signs the band has taken on a distinct 70’s psychedelic feel. Increased percussion and lighter synth sounds give the recording a far more abstract sound than ever encountered on Dystopia. This sound is evident in the supposed “b-side” (Do they even exist anymore…?) Get Connected, which features heavy rock organ chords and some eerie noises reminiscent of Doctor Who episodes.

The clip for Vital Signs is pretty cool. Psychedelic and slightly warped, just as the track sounds. Besides, what isn’t cool about swirly models in skin-coloured onesies?

Ultimately the tracks aren’t too bad at all, quite decent actually. Evidence of a band experimenting and redefining their sound, and enjoying it too. I guess I had just hoped for Dystopia V2.0, but the Axis is growing on me.

You can pre-order The Crystal Axis at their website here. Gigging overseas at the moment, they tour back home in August.

Vital Signs – Midnight Juggernauts

Get Connected – Midnight Juggernauts

PS. Does anyone think these guys look like 3X Howard Moon?


Filed under Australian, Electro, New Releases