Tag Archives: Penguin Prison

Penguin Prison – Horrible Name, Delightful Music

Horrible, awful name. What a bleak image the name Penguin Prison conjures up, yet by some contrast, the music is some of the most delightful and accomplished solo synth-pop I have heard in some time.

Often the term “Pop” inspires sonic visions of underaged, over exposed Starlets, a scantily clad and aging Brittany Spears and the excessive use of auto-tune to disguise a blatant lack of talent. That is why it is so refreshing to hear pop music with genuine substance. Chris Glover’s supple yet powerful vocals fit perfectly in his elaborately composed songs. His ambitious approach to song writing is accommodated by the seemingly limitless expanse of his musical imagination, which adds some much needed substance and credit to the genre.

The first track I got into was “The Worse It Gets” and the simple tune tells you all you need to know about Penguin Prison’s delightful self-produced bedroom pop. The RAC remix nailed it enhancing synths of the original whilst also giving it a feeling reminiscent of some of Queen’s live performances.

Ironically whilst writing this post for “The Worse It Gets” I have been religiously listening to the new single “Something I’m Not”, which has a distinct Depeche Mode feel about it, so you can have that too.

Do keep an eye out for this guy. I imagine his gigs like a non-stop up-beat dancefest where everyone has a fat smile plastered on their face the whole time. I can’t wait.

The Worse It Gets – Penguin Prison

The Worse It Gets (RAC remix) – Penguin Prison

Something I’m Not – Penguin Prison

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Filed under Electro, New Releases, Pop, Remixes