Tag Archives: Sugar Army

Superbly Sweet Sugar Army

Sugar Army are a very exciting young Australian band from Perth, the centre of all good Australian rock music these days. I don’t usually get that excited about rock music anymore but these guys nail it each time and make for very satisfying listening.

The 4-piece outfit combine crunching guitar riffs with driving drum beats to create a controlled aggressive sound. Impressively insightful lyrics fused with creative melodies over the top soften the tone adding a unique richness to their music. Their guitar solos are skillful without being pretentious (yay!).

Overall the product is really tight, gutsy rock music with some intelligence and skilled composition behind it. Refreshing output in the modern era of mediocre pop-rock bands, over-simplified folk, and synth-obsessed electro bands (as much as I love the synth).

They released their debut record Parallels Amongst Ourselves last year (yes a little slow on this one, I know) on Shock Records. Good listening.

No Need For Lovers – Sugar Army

Tongues In Cheeks – Sugar Army

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Filed under Alternative, Australian, Rock