Tag Archives: Summer Camp

Christmas Cheer from Summer Camp

A tad late on this one, seeing as the festive season is over already, but good music is always a gift worth giving and it’s always a good time to receive. Summer Camp popped out a little cover of The Waitresses cynical Xmas pop tune late last year.

I like this song very much, mainly due to the smart lyrics and the original description of the joys of the festive season. Summer Camp’s typical subdued electro pop style suits the track very well, although I have trouble deciding which one I like best.

You can have both for your enjoyment.

Christmas Wrapping – Summer Camp

Christmas Wrapping – The Waitresses

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Filed under Alternative, Indie, Pop

Summer Camp

Summer Camp are a quaint duo from London. They make nostalgic pop music fused with soft-rock and synthetic tinges. Blending some of the best elements of the 50’s through to the 80’s, their sound is remarkably pleasant to the ear.

Whilst they may fall into the “Dickheads” sub-culture, Summer Camp sure do make excellent music. Their lo-fi, hi-charm sound belies their genuine ability and strength in composition. Elisabeth Sankey busts out a surprisingly powerful voice and when she harmonises with counterpart Jeremy Warmsley the sound is just right. The highly relatable lyrics and fairly universal themes make the tunes even more accessible.

I listened to these guys almost exclusively throughout September, such is the potency of their charm. One of my favourite Artists of this year.

Their latest EP Young was released last month and is pure quality. A few of the highlights are available below. They also have an odd tendency to title songs with full names of their theoretical protagonists, interesting.

Jake Ryan – Summer Camp

Veronica Sawyer – Summer Camp

Round the Moon – Summer Camp

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Filed under Alternative, Indie