Tag Archives: The Middle East

The Middle East (Band, not region)

The Middle East is a cute little band from Townsville. They make excellent folk music and despite their fragmented beginning they have generated some steam over the past year with positive reviews across the blogosphere and radio alike. And rightfully so. TME produce the kind of folk music that is the complete antithesis of the underwhelming folk-pop I was lamenting here a few weeks back. I could have included The Middle East in that post as my primary example of quality folk music but that would have been insufficient acknowledgement of their substance. I felt an individual post was necessary, so here it is.

The Middle East produce music for the whole family. I mean this in the sense that everyone in the music family and anyone who knows quality music will appreciate TME’s music. Not in the way that Disney suggested that Pocahontas was “fun for the whole family” when in fact it just bored the pants off everyone, especially the little kiddies it was intended for (that sounds inappropriate…). These tracks have something that everyone can appreciate. Even if folk isn’t your thing and Ibiza dancehall anthems are. It is just good, simple, beautiful music.

They recently played the SXSW festival in the states, the stomping ground for all good “up and coming acts”, and are set for an expansive series of dates across the States supporting Pavement and Mumford and Sons. Hopefully they will be back in Oz soon for some shows as I have not yet had the pleasure. In the meantime you can purchase The Middle East EP directly from the band’s website. For a poultry sum of $5 you will rarely find better value online.

Help yourself to a free sample below.

The Darkest Side – The Middle East

Blood – The Middle East

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Filed under Australian, Folk, Indie