Tag Archives: The Twelves

One, Two, Three, Four…. THE TWELVES!

Admittedly I was a little slow to pick up on The Twelves and indeed it seems I missed what would have been an awesome gig at The Oxford Arts Factory last May with Miami Horror. Don’t you hate it when you get in to Artists just after they tour round your town? Seems to happen to me quite a bit. Not the point, what is the point of this post is that The Twelves produce some excellent disco infused-dance tunes and their remixes are some of the best going around right now.

The Prolific duo hail from Rio (nice to see the focus taken of the States and Europe) and seem to effortlessly combine widespread touring and regular remix releases to keep the blogosphere satisfied. They have an uncanny knack for taking an already popular track and lacing it with salacious disco beats making it 1000 times more dance-able. Take their edit of “Something Good Can Work” from Two Door Cinema Club, a group that I really wasn’t interested in and took pleasure in ignoring until I heard this mix. The same goes for Metric’s uber-hit “Help I’m Alive” which has been revitalized after the transformation from The Twelves’ dazzling disco-ball inspired re-work. It is surprising how both tracks lend themselves to this kind of reformation, but it works perfectly.

The 80’s classic “Take on Me” from A-Ha is also masterfully redone, however it would be hard to mess this one up.

Something Good Can Work (The Twelves Remix) – Two Door Cinema Club

Help I’m Alive (The Twelves Remix) – Metric

Take On Me (The Twelves Remix) – A-Ha

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Filed under Electro, Remixes