Tag Archives: Toro y Moi

New Toro y Moi

How exciting! TyM has just dropped his new track. It is typically fantastic with great beats and groove. I love this man. “Still Sound” is the first sample of the upcoming Underneath The Pine record to be released on 22nd Feb on Carpark Records.

He is playing an upcoming gig at Good God Small Club in the city on the 23rd of February. Unfortunately I’ll be in Japan so I am deeply upset on missing out.

Still Sound – Toro y Moi

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Filed under Alternative, Electro, New Releases, Pop

Toro y Moi – Musical Transformations

Toro y Moi is most excellently cool. Chaz Bundick writes, produces and records his marvelously unique brand of lo-fi chillwave tunes under this pseudonym. The product is sample rich, synth heavy, souful music that is borderline indescribable. I have been so taken with Bundick’s music of late that I find it hard to describe it in a concise fashion, but brevity is overrated.

Talamak was probably the first TyM track that I stumbled across and I was instantly hooked, and it is pretty easy to see why. The abrupt samples, simple chord progression and Chaz’ dainty falsetto combine to create a wonderfully charismatic little ditty.

Talamak – Toro y Moi

I picked up a few tracks here and there until I uncovered You Hid, a beautifully composed love song. The track has the same lo-fi modest charm of Talamak with tight production and genuine simplicity. Bundick’s skills as a multi-instrumentalist are displayed in the video above.

You Hid – Toro y Moi

Did I mention he is also a graphic designer? Not hard to believe.

Talamak and You Hid were featured on Toro y Moi’s debut album Causers Of This released in early January of this year. Remarkably he is backing this outstanding effort up with a second full length release due out later this year. The first sample from the second cut is Leave Everywhere which see Chaz revert to a simplified garage band format. Guitars, drums and vocals replace the synths and laptop to give the track a more organic sound. A real credit to an artist who can produce quality songs across genres and styles.

Leave Everywhere – Toro y Moi

I hope you like it as much as I do.

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Filed under Alternative, Electro, Indie, New Releases